B&H has many of place for cevapi. I call them cevapi-ries (which is obviously incorrect, but makes sense to me...). Zeljo (1 & 2) seem to be the most well known, although if you read online, everyone has their favourite. The free walking tour we took with Meet Bosnia recommended Nune on their information maps, and so I thought trying their local recommendation was worthwhile.
It's a much quieter area and so even in what I consider to be lunchtime, there were seats available both inside and outside. The ladies work hard in the kitchen chopping onions continuously and cooking/fanning the meat and bread until it is ready.
Finally the cevapi is served at the minimal price of 10 for 6 BAM with 0.5 BAM for a serve of peppers. The bread is moist and used to pick up the meat. Each cevapi is soft meat simply flavoured with salt and served with raw onions. There's a thick yoghurt curd and another sauce I was unclear about. The hot peppers added chilli, a little tanginess and contrast. Overall very tasty.
I couldn't tell the difference in the meat between Nune and Zeljo, but for other reasons I would therefore come back to Nune given the choice.