Fiskeriet, Oslo 08-2012

Living in London has meant that it isn't too difficult for me to find fish and chipperies giving off their sweet fried scent to fill the streets. When I read about some of the best fish and chips around in Oslo, it was worth a big map mark and a circle to ensure I didn't forget it.

Set in a nice plaza that fills with lovely sunshine on a lucky weather day, Fiskeriet doubles as a fishmonger and a lunch venue (officially closes at 6pm, although I did see it open well beyond on a warm evening).

What impressed me once I sat down and looked at the menu was how *normal* the prices seemed. 6 oysters for 110NOK (approx. AUD18) and takeaway fish and chips for 89NOK (approx. AUD15) are prices I'd be content with anywhere else in the world. I did feel the need to sit and enjoy the bar seating which meant I paid 149NOK for my fish and chips - seemed like a slightly excessive surcharge, but still reasonably cheap for any sitdown meal in Oslo.

The fish this day was halibut, crispy fried in a lovely seasoned batter and topped with salt flakes and coriander. Wonderful. The chips were standard, nothing particularly special to say about them. I also had 6 strong oysters from France (fin de clair, as I found out Norway has no local oysters at all) which made it a very satisfying meal altogether.

Next time I would order fish and chips to takeaway and sit in the plaza to absorb some atmosphere.