Teremok, Moscow 06-2019

On the first day wandering through 32C Moscow, Teremok was a cheap easy meal enroute to the Kremlin. Easy turned out to be not so easy as we discovered the underground tunnels and shopping areas to find it. But time wasn't of the essence, so it was ok.

Seredipidity that Teremok was my last Moscow meal in 2013 (http://eatlikeushi.posthaven.com/teremok-moscow-06-2013) and first (well ok, second) this time around.

The gelatinous crepe was thick with good texture, but the filling is nothing like the pictures. They display it as a roll full of meat. It's actually flat full of sour cream or sauce. Overall alright.

Beef pelmeni were better than vegie ones, which were just potato mash.

I think I'm done with Teremok too (unless extreme circumstances...)