Bodega Cuzco, Salamanca 03-2017

After sampling cheap pre-made student lunch tapas at the downstairs whitewashed haven of Bambu, I wanted to see what else Salamancan tapas had to offer. I managed to go twice to Cuzco, which is so close to the centre but far enough away that I was the only non-Spanish person in there. It's crowded at the counter but the serving staff do an excellent job of noticing everyone and taking food and drink orders.

The first night I sampled 3 delights for the tiny price of €7.70 (which can be almost considered expensive in Salamanca):
- Mini Hamburguesa de Morucha €1.9 - the cheapest turned out to be the best. My first taste of the local Morucha beef was an exceptional one with a medium rare succulent patty, as good as it could be for a patty that thickness;
- Solomillo de Cerdo con Salsa de Setas €3.5 - this was a fine slice of pork tenderloin, soft juicy and tender served with a mushroom sauce;
- Hamburguesita de Morcilla con Cebolla Caramelizada €2.3 - I adore morcilla and black pudding and this was a decent version although not the strongest in flavour. Nonetheless devoured happily.

I went back a week later and didn't take photos but tried an excellent special of grilled octopus and also what seemed to be their most popular dish in Tosta de Jamon con Foie y Cebolla Caramelizada.

A wonderful and more local feel to a tapas venue in Salamanca.