Eliseevskiy Gastronom, St. Petersburg 06-2013

After visiting the beautiful store in Moscow a week earlier (http://eatlikeushi.posthaven.com/eliseevskiy-moscow-06-2013), my final morning in St. Petersburg was torn between two things - having breakfast at Zoom Cafe (known for borsch, vegetables au gratin and meatballs) or a dash to Eliseevskiy to buy some caviar.

Yes I decided to impulse buy and get some caviar. I ended up with the second highest grade Osetra (as the highest Beluga and Sterlet weren't available and may have even been illegal at that point) and some small samples of various vodka to bring back to London. The caviar is also advertised as Malossol meaning minimally salted and highest quality.

Of the vodkas, the best (as judged by 3 of us several weeks later) was Vodka Царская Золотая or (translated by a Russian friend to) Tsar's Gold Vodka. It's the red/green/yellow bottle in the photo surrounding one section of caviar. Unfortunately it's not available anywhere outside of St. Petersburg Eliseevskiy. I'll have to wait until next time.

Eliseevskiy in St. Petersburg was much more interesting for food (although less ornate) than Moscow with people sitting there drinking coffee and eating sweets, oysters (from France) for sale, as well as generally a lot of items to pick from.