Acuarela Helados Artesanales, El Calafate 11-2016

You might find many of the reviews for this place under the name Ovejitas. That's the name of the chocolatier that shares the same premises at Acuarela the icecream maker. The Airbnb host made mention of an icecream place that is also a chocolate place and The Rough Guide also mentioned it as the best icecream in town. On the final night walking the 30mins from La Tablita back to the accommodation, I was glad to see it still open around 9pm.

I had two missions - the try the calafate berry and the chocolate. I had read about both and it seemed fitting to have calafate in El Calafate (given the berry was not in season in November) and the chocolate is called Chocolate Patagonico which means they are proud of it too. Both were exceptional - the chocolate was dark, rich and not too sweet whilst the calafate was tangy, sweeter with that distinct berry flavour similar to a blueberry with a little extra tart of a blackberry. The textures were thick and creamy and no crystals detected.

Although expensive, they really pack the scoops including stuffing the cone right to the end.

A local gem and one to add to the collection.

Viva la Pepa, El Calafate 11-2016

For something a little different and open during the mid-afternoon siesta period (or to kill time waiting for a bus - as a couple of German girls were sitting for hours using phone WiFi), Viva la Pepa specialised in crepes. Not such the standard ones with fruit and Nutella, but savoury ones also. Perhaps it's been what I'm exposed to, but I expected it to be somewhat similar to the Asian ones where there's a giant visible circular hot plate and a tiny broom to spread it around before it being folded into a little cone.

That may well be the case out the back, but the front veneer is a homely colourful array with an outdoor section that's equally visual. The staff (probably family run) are pleasant and lovely and hospitable.

Coffee was a little bitter but didn't need any sugar and came served with carefully selected Smarties (or whatever they are called in Argentina).

The crepes were the obvious highlight though and they didn't disappoint. The large squares were perfectly cooked with grilled sides and a luscious chewy texture that was magnified along the bottom where the pieces stacked. It was simply the best quality crepe I've had (admittedly I don't eat them that much) and the thicker cut I enjoyed immensely. They are served with a sample of the ingredients on top which helps visual appeal and also identifying which is which.

- Lamb, mustard, spring onion, bacon & cream ARS185 - this was the recommended lamb crepe when I asked and it didn't disappoint. Cubes of lamb that tasted like it may have been previously roasted served with mustard, Spanish onion, spring onion and relatively fatty bacon. The bacon probably wasn't that necessary but the rest reminded me slightly of a souvlaki;
- Blue cheese, cheese, walnuts, parsley ARS145 - the blue cheese was relatively mild in strength and the creamy mixed cheese texture was complemented well by the crunch of walnuts.

The food and setting are great and cute. I could think of no better place in town to spend a few hours or many more if waiting for something.

Pura Vida, El Calafate 11-2016

When in Patagonia, eat lamb. The roast lamb is the most famous but any form must be tried. Pura Vida is known to be different from other restaurants in El Calafate in that it serves homestyle cooking. The Airbnb hostess mentioned various restaurants in town but also quipped that they cook these things themselves and so never try them in the restaurants.

Whereas La Tablita is the recommended place for traditional Patagonian roast lamb, Pura Vida is known for lamb stew.

Upon arrival there's an immediate serve of an enormous bread sphere. It cuts and feels like a cake and it simple but would do better with something to absorb. Perhaps a stew...

- Cazuela de Cordero Patagonico (chopped lamb stew with pine mushrooms, black olives, onion in a white wine & cream sauce covered with puff pastry) ARS270 - as much as my excitement, I found this disappointing. The lamb pieces were soft and quite tender but no different to any I've had elsewhere. The most flavour came from the very juicy and delicious mushrooms more than anything else. Unlike a "stew" it was devoid of liquid which I had saved bread for and only a single layer of sparse filling underneath a big amount of crust. The crust made it more of what I consider a pie and although very buttery tasting, the crust had burnt edges;
- Pastel de Berenjenas (eggplant, mashed potato, cheese, basil, tomato & gratin parmesan cheese) ARS190 - this seemed to me an unseasoned stack of vegetable wedged between sliced grilled eggplant on the top and bottom;
- salad of lettuce, carrot, tomato, onion, spinach, cabbage, arugula, corn, beetroot, celery, egg, apple & raisins ARS67 - the waitress said the servings were large and so was happy to offer a half size (which was a perfect side portion). The salad was simple and had lots of contrast of vegetables, but came undressed (like all salads so far in Chile and Argentina) and EVOO and balsamic bottles were given.

Overall I was disappointed with the meal here. Perhaps other dishes might be better (like Granny's Lentil Stew) but for the price I didn't think the quality and cooking were good enough.